Sunday, September 21, 2008


I'll be honest. It's difficult for a man of my age and background to understand what's going on with companies like AIG. As a matter of fact, whenever I think of AIG, I think of those commercials. You know, the one where the kids can't sleep or can't relax or are having anxiety attacks over their family's financial planning. And, of course, their parents are never worried because they have AIG. I wish I could have the opportunity to bring all those actors back to re-shoot the commercials. Here's one such commercial (the one I can tolerate), with the dialogue re-written:

Mom: Did you have a nightmare?
Kid: No, I'm worried about this family's financial future. Does your retirement plan provide predictability of income and protection against market risk? Do you have good supplemental health insurance? What about estate plan? Car insurance? Dents are easy to fix but liability's the nightmare!!!

Or this one, which I'm sure everyone has seen:

Dad: What're you thinking about hunnie?
Kid: Butterflies. What're you thinking about, daddy?
Dad: I'm thinking about butterflies too.
Kid: But daddy, aren't you worried about protecting your company and your employees in the changing global economy? Are you tapped into the right capital markets expertise to help manage your institutional assets? What about life insurance? College? Retirement? You need a smart financial plan, you know.
Dad: Honey, we're with AIG, so I've arranged for a family of gypsies to take you in while your mother and I flee to the Bahamas.

On the school bus:

Girl 1: Same thing, day in and day out...
Girl 2: Problems at home?
Girl 1: My mom's looking for a better group benefits provider for her company.
Girl 3: My dad's company is tough to ensure. He needs risk management solutions with alternative collateral options.
Boy 1: My mom's company really should consider private equity investments to help meet its pension plan obligations.
Girl 2: My parents are with AIG.
Girl 1, Girl 3, Boy 1 (in unison): SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GIVE US YOUR LUNCH MONEY!!